
Posts Tagged ‘you and me’

Here’s a rather cynical thought:

What’s the message businesses are sending to their customers?

Be biased

Discrimination is good if we’re the beneficiaries. We want you to love us so much that you think everything else is bad. And if your love for us makes you reactionary, well, all the better!

Be selfish

Just think about what you want and what you need, and don’t bother about anyone else. We will cater to all your desires.

Be spoilt

We’ll give you everything you want, and more. If we don’t give you what you want, you can whine and throw a tantrum and we will probably give you even more just to avoid the looks other people give us.

So is making the customer King = encouraging them to be biased, selfish and spoilt?

And yet, even when the customer is King, everything is done in order to sell more products, and get more money. Customer may be King, but Businesses are the Gods.

Here’s an Oscar Wilde quote that I feel is rather fitting:

“When gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers”

(From An Ideal Husband)

I think it’s time we move away from Gods and Kings, and get back to the essentials – you and me. Let’s build trust again. Let’s build relationships again.

What do you think?

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